I'm not even going to talk about work because I don't want to waste any of the positive energy I have today on that place. Pretty well sums up the kind of week I had.
Yesterday we did the annual food drive for my Better half's work place. We collected a huge amount of food which is then donated to the Salvation Army's food bank. It was nice, once again, to see the generosity of the community here in the Witch's Island's little city. The food banks have really been suffering this year as more and more people are being forced to rely on them. You just never know when you may be in that position.
I also made time for a few flea markets and really scored big on a few items. That really made my day. Did a little grocery shopping so I can meal plan for the week. We're having pot roast today with all the root veggies I can cram in. YUMMY!!!!
Later, I'll do some house cleaning, laundry and maybe I'll have time for a quick walk, then I might make some cupcakes. I have been craving them for some reason.I can hardly wait for Thanksgiving. My pie crusts are all made and just waiting to be filled with my pumpkin pie filling. Grocery shopping will take a big hit next month. Turkeys have really gone up in price, but really, what hasn't? And at $12.00 for a bag of flour, which I also need, and all the baking I do, its going to be an expensive holiday.
The outside of our house is all decorated with Pumpkins and I just love the way it looks. Like I mentioned in an earlier post, Pumpkins make me happy. In the next week I'll start decorating for Halloween "WITCH" is my favorite day of the year. I'm not a Christmas person, though I really love decorating our tree and all the good food that goes with the holiday. The present thing is frustrating, though. I only have a small family and my Mom would be so disappointed if I didn't do the exchange that it is not worth the aggravation to stop I guess. Oh, what you do for family.
Well I guess I better get my ass in gear if I'm going to get out for a walk later on before the high winds and hurricane Kyle arrive.