Saturday night was Games Night here at the Witch's Island and, by all apppearances, it was a roaring success. Our guests arrived around 4:30 which gave us all a chance to chat a bit and have a drink (okay, maybe more than one) before sitting down for dinner. We had some Dr. Dimento's chili over rotini pasta, a nice fresh garden salad and some hot biscuits right out of the oven. Mmmm... very tasty! For dessert we had the butter tarts that you can see in the picture below. Then it was on to the games!

Hubby and I spent some time this week trying out some of the older games just so that we would know how to play them. When was the last time you played "Clue"? I don't remember it being so complicated. Maybe it would have been better when everyone was playing but during our trial run we were playing two hands each and we never did solve the mystery. "Clue" and "Rook" were the only games that we didn't actually play last night. "Uno" was the big hit but the guys had a lot of fun playing crokinole and cribbage. The girls and I had a laugh answering a questionaire I found on Carolee's blog
"Musings from Behind the Easel". I'll add my answers at the end of this post.

I think we all had a fun night. The last people left somewhere close to two a.m. so today we're having a very quiet afternoon. Thankfully, house-cleaning was all done yesterday so now we can just sit back with the blinds down and a cool, damp cloth over our eyes!
What Would You Be?(originally from
Lori Anderson's "Pretty Things" blog)
If I were a month I’d be October
If I were a day I’d be Friday
If I were a time of day I’d be midnight
If I were a planet I’d be Saturn
If I were a sea animal I’d be a squid
If I were a direction I’d be forward
If I were a piece of furniture I’d be covered in soft leather
If I were a liquid I’d be French wine
If I were a gem stone I’d be sapphire
If I were a tree I’d be as sugar bush maple
If I were a tool I’d be a hammer
If I were a flower I’d be a lily of the valley
If I were an element of weather I’d be the wind
If I were a musical instrument I’d be a harp
If I were a color I'd be orange
If I were an emotion I’d be joyful
If I were a fruit I’d be a honey crisp apple
If I were a sound I’d be thunder
If I were an element I'd be fire
If I were a car I’d be a Ferrari
If I were a food I’d be cheeseburger
If I were a place I’d be Sable Island
If I were a material I'd be the softest chamois
If I were a taste I’d be sweet
If I were a scent I’d be fruity
If I were a body part I’d be eyes
If I were a facial expression I'd be a smile
If I were a song I’d be uplifting.
If I were a bird I'd be an owl
If I were a gift I'd be a book
If I were a street I'd be a dead end
If I were a city I'd be Quebec
If I were a door I'd be open
If I were a pair of shoes I’d be Prada (just cause I’ll never be able to afford them!)
And what would you be?