This year I seem to be a little ahead of the game, except for the baking part, which I'll try to get a move on this weekend. But the bills in Dec are crazy. I guess I should have a few items rearranged for different months of the year so that Dec. isn't such a cash cow for our creditors.
Here's a little break down for you;
Propane: $182.00
Propane tank rental: $80.00
Car Insurance: $250.00 - Just half for now, don't forget we're driving clunkers.
Donation : $300.00 - Maybe more.
Christmas Baking: $100.00
Christmas Gifts: $1,000.00 - Maybe more.
Christmas Entertainment: $100.00 - You know you'll have friends over and you want to buy something good to eat and drink for them.
Christmas Stocking Stuffers: $15.00 - We all want to see what Santa left in our stockings even if it’s a lump of coal!
Company Christmas party: $50.00 - Unless you’re having a dry Christmas.
Christmas Secret Santa: $15.00 - This you can opt out of but it is fun.
Christmas Tree: $25.00
Christmas Postage: $ 35.00
Christmas Gifts for the mailman and papergirl/boy: $20.00
And lots more items which I'm sure I've forgotten or are not one of my traditions.
So you can see where I'm going with this. You really need a Christmas fund or you are screwed. Unless you choose not to celebrate Christmas which would be a whole lot cheaper.
Max Arrives at Golden Pines
4 days ago
I'll try this again. I messed up the first time.
First thing... less than 30 days now! Ouch.
I'm just looking forward to being at home for 3 weeks or thereabouts. Sleeping in my own bed, hanging out in front of the fireplace and reading. Plus getting ready for next semester.
I have planned to spend 600.00 max for everything.
I think it's great that you have your amounts and expenses broken down & budgeted! It's so easy at the holidays to be caught off guard or go overboard!! I'll be anxious to see pictures of your baking, etc--Your photos are the best!! :-)
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