Remember the
picture we posted back in October of the sky being reflected in the calm water of a nearby river here on The Witch’s Island? Well, they were having a photo contest at work to decorate the president’s office wall. You know, something to impress visiting customers with, and I entered that picture. Guess what. My picture was one of only three selected! Better still, each of the three finalists won a crisp new $100 bill! And even though it is one of the
newly introduced plastic bills it’s still a hundred bucks, yahoo! That’s right, baby. The Witch is rich, sort of. It was a shock, but a pleasant one.

This is the picture that won me a hundred dollars.
So, what else have I been up to, you say? Well, I’ve been busy crafting away in my basement workshop. I created a little picture using shells and other bits and pieces I collected at the beach this summer while Hubby was in swimming. I really enjoyed designing this and the shells just all fit together nicely to make this scene come alive. I’ve already got some more ideas floating around in my brain and it’s going to be a long winter so I may try some more of these.

I made this picture using shells and driftwood I found on the beach this summer.
I’ve also been decorating the family room for Christmas. The fireplace mantle is one of my favourite things to work on. I love birds so I’ve given it kind of a nature theme. And some poor little elf must have fallen through the ice and gotten soaked. He seems to have left his clothes to dry by the fire. Someday I may find the right elf figurine to sit up there too but so far I haven’t come across one. He would have to be the right scale to fit the clothes and he’d have to be semi-naked or in his undies and that’s just a little too much to ask, I guess. I just might have to make my own.

This is my mantelpiece all decorated for Christmas.
I’m hoping you all enjoy this little up-date as it is only 7 more sleeps till the big day. Merry Christmas!