The sorry-ass furniture that we have had longer than we have been married is up for sale. Cheap, real cheap, if any one is interested. We've bought ourselves a new set to liven up the newly redecorated tv room and we need to make room for it by passing on the old stuff.

Our new couch and love seat is leather, soft, gorgeous leather. And they're red, a lovely, sexy, Ferrari red. Well, I like to think of it that way. We are going more modern which will be a change for me because I'm really more of a rustic country type, but we all need a change sometimes in life. Turning 50 will do that to you (only kidding, don't go off the deep end and replace everything!)
This all started after we painted the tv room last week. Hubby did a great job of filling the cracks and wall imperfections so now they are perfect. He always does a good job, no half-assing it when he is on the job. Anyway, I really enjoyed painting this room and we will be doing the hallway next. This is a safe area where no new furniture will be required. Now comes the fun part, mixing and matching end tables, pillows, new wall decor, etc. Let the games begin. By the way, the couch and love seat we purchased was made in CANADA! I wouldn't have done it any other way.
A couple of weeks ago we did the day trip to Moncton that I mentioned previously. We were actually on the hunt for new furniture then but we didn't really see anything. Barnaby's was our primary destination and our excuse for going as this is where we found our first good set, but they let us down. We parked our asses on a lot of uncomfortable leather in the past six months but for some reason we couldn't find anything to suit us. Finally, Hambly's came through and we should take delivery on Wednesday.
The trip to the mainland wasn't a complete loss because we were able to enjoy some fine dining. We had dinner at our favorite restaurant
-The House of Lam- and even ordered more food to take home for Sunday's supper. We both had the Schezuan combo plate, extra-spicy if you please! It was so good, and not expensive, either. Both dinners plus fried wonton appetizers plus 2 beers plus a half litre of wine PLUS take-out lunch for the next day AND tip was about $80. I don't know how they do it but let's hope they continue! At $40.00 for the bridge plus gas money we can't afford to do this all the time, but, we want to!!

Hopefully everyone had a great Easter I did. Check out the cute Bunny I received, I just LOVE him. He sings and dances and his ears move. I want a dozen of these! It just makes me smile just thinking of pressing his start button.